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Shifts are job offers posted by Facility Users on behalf of Facilities to the Nursa Marketplace. This process allows healthcare facilities to communicate their staffing needs and find qualified clinicians to fill available positions. Once a shift request is processed, it is added to our marketplace and displayed to clinicians.

Clinicians can then review these shifts and, if interested, submit a request to be scheduled for the shift.


Before you can start posting shifts you need to have a valid facility connection.

You can refer to the Facility Onboarding Guideline in order to know how you can have a valid facility connection.

You can fetch all the facilities you have connection with using our Get Facilities endpoint.

Also you need to specify the License Type of the shift you want to create, you can retrieve all the available Nursa License in the Get Licenses endpoint.

Creating Shifts

Once you have the facilityId of the facility that you want to post a shift, and the License Type you can start creating shifts in our application.

You can use our bulk Create Shifts endpoint to create several shifts at once.


The price of each shift will be based on the from, to,licenseType and on the breakTime parameter values.

facilityId requiredstringID of the facility
shifts requiredarrayArray of shift objects
├─ licenseTyperequiredstringLicense type of the shift (e.g., RN)
├─ from requiredstring (ISO 8601)Start time of the shift in ISO 8601 format
├─ to requiredstring (ISO 8601)End time of the shift in ISO 8601 format
├─ description requiredstringDescription of the shift
└─ breakTimestring (ISO 8601 duration)Break Time for the shift in ISO 8601 format

Example payload:

"shifts": [
"licenseType": "RN",
"from": "2024-01-01T14:00:00.000Z",
"to": "2024-01-01T17:00:00.000Z",
"description": "RN Shift",
"breakTime": "PT15M"
"licenseType": "CNA",
"from": "2024-06-28T14:00:00.000Z",
"to": "2024-06-28T17:00:00.000Z",
"description": "CNA Shift"
"facilityId": "P-123456"

Quoting Shift Price

If you want to check the shift price before creating it, you can quote the shift price, once a Shift Quote is created, you'll have 15 minutes to create the shift based on quote

Retrieving Shifts

In order to retrieve the shifts that are currently open in Nursa marketplace you can use our Get marketplace shifts endpoint, you can narrow your research using the following query parameters

facilityIdstringID of the facility
startDateFromstring (ISO 8601)The start date of the range to filter shifts, when this parameter is provided, startDateTo parameter becomes required
startDateTostring (ISO 8601)The end date of the range to filter shifts
limitnumberUse to specify the quantity of records returned, if not provided, a default value of 10 will be applied
offsetnumberUse to specify the number of records to skip before starting to return results, if not provided, the default value will be 0
sortDirectionstringUse to specify the order of records by creation date, either ASC for ascending or DESC for descending, the default value will be DESC

Example request

curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN'

Updating Shift

Once the shift is created, you can update it, but you'll only be able to update it's description, or add a monetary bonus that will be payed to the clinician.

descriptionstringDescription of the Shift
bonusnumberMonetary bonus to clinician

Removing the Shift

If you need to remove the shift from Nursa Marketplace, please refefer to the Cancelation Guideline